"bad boys, bad boys..."
Well I had an interesting morning yesterday, hahaha. I was running late for being early for work so I decided to call a cab, which shall remain unnamed, to drive me to Kennedy Station. This was the second time that I had encountered this particular driver and I remember him being very aggressive the first time around, but I couldn't wait for another cab, so I got in. What a mistake that was, hahaha... I ended up in the backseat of a Toronto Police squad car.

The cab driver started out in heavy traffic, like a mad man, speeding and attempting to cross the lanes, even if it meant cutting various moving vehicles while in motion. One of the irritated drivers couldn't take it anymore and decided to do something about it.
The cab driver didn't end up making the turn he wanted, as drivers weren't letting him in, so he had to make his left turn at the next set of lights, which he was NOT happy about. After he made the turn, we started pulling into a small residential street... not the route that would lead me to Kennedy Station. I became alert and annoyed, and started interrogating him as to where he's taking me and why. As it turns out, one of the lady drivers that my driver tried to cut off, noticed cops right behind us and hand motioned for them to do something about it.
I called the cab company and asked to send another cab since the one I was in was a maniac, being pulled over by Police, and gave them his badge number. I refusd to pay for the ride and after I got out, the officer approached me to apologize for the delay. I told him not to apologize and said he had every right to stop him because he knows very well that he was cutting people off and he even swore at them after not being let in.
About 5 minutes later, the cop approached me again, inquiring where I was headed, and said that because I was very straight forward and told him the truth about what went on in the vehicle at the time, (the driver totally denied all allegations, claiming he's a professional driver and 'knows what he's doing') the officer then offered me a ride to Kennedy Station.
At first I refused, and said I was already waiting for another cab. The officer insisted as he felt bad for making me late for work, so I looked at him and the car, and said "you know... I've never been in the back seat of a squad car before" so he smiled and said "well, here's your chance...", and agreed to take him up on the offer.
I got in and the first thing I said to the driver of the vehicle was "this is so cool, I've never been back here before" to which he laughed, hahahha. The entire ride they were letting me enjoy the moment. They stopped so people could see me, and in fact, the shipping and receiving guys at Canada Post were pointing and laughing that a young girl like me was escorted by cops yet I was still smiling and laughing, hahahhahah... and so were the cops.
I asked to be let out by one of the entrances, so I can run down the stairs and get in, but they insisted to drive right into the Kennedy Station platform, where only buses are allowed, and so I wouldn't have to pay (eventhough I have a metropass).
They parked the car infront of lots of people waiting at the 43 Kennedy Bus platform, and I reached for the handle in an attempt to get out. But no, no, no... the door is disabled from inside, so criminals don't get out by themselves, ahhaha. The cop had to get out of the squad car, let me out, and escort me into Kennedy Station.
I smiled as I got out and turned around to thank the cops for their deed, trying to show the public staring at me, that I wasn't some criminal getting a ride to Kennedy Station because I just left jail or something, ahhaha. The cops laughed with me and thanked me for being honest with them, and said "go on now and tell everyone what a morning you've had" hahhaha. So here I am, just following orders. :)
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