March 23, 2006

House: Episode 54

On the next episode of HOUSE:

Dr. Gregory House gets called to clinic duty where a female patient awaits him with a persistant cough, sore and painful throat, fever, fatigue and loss of vocals.
Dr. House examines the patient, asks a billion of unrelated embarrassing questions, such as why is her one toe longer than the other, and when was the last time she's had sex, and then diagnoses the patient as having bronchitis.
Patient: W-w-what is that?
House (poking fun at patient): I-i-it's an inflammation of the lower respiratory passages or bronchi.
Patient: What does that mean?
House (annoyed): Well... let's see how 'bronchitis for dummies' explains it, shall we? *picks up any book off the shelf* Wow, fascinating... it says here that the tubes that carry air into your lungs are inflamed, and when you cough, *slowly imitates cough* you are trying to get the mucus ... you know, the nice yellow stuff? ...out of there to clear the passage, so you can breaaaaaaaathe, OK? Now go home and take these for 10 days *throws a prescription at patient* while you stay away from the world and try not to infect anyone. In the mean time, put some socks on... your toes freak me out.
The End.


At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehehe that's like the blond joke I heard.

A red head goes to the doctor and says:
"Doctor, my whole body aches everytime I touch it. I touch my forehead - it hurts, I touch my stomach - it hurts, I touch my knee - it hurts, I don't know why?"
The doctor looks at her in disbelieve and says:
"First of all, you're not actually a red head and second thing, your finger's broken."

hihihihihihi dark blond laughing


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