little things.
March 30, 2006
March 28, 2006
going up?

So here's a little story for you all, which very much amused me. Upon returning home from work, I watched a man in my building today press the UP button to call the elevator to the main floor, where you can see which floor each elevator is.
He was obviously in a hurry because he went up a couple of times and pressed the UP button each time... though, emm, buddy, pressing UP 5 times won't make it come any faster, sorry.
But anyway, one of the elevators was on the 3rd floor, approaching us at the ground floor, when in a complete rush, the same guy went up and started frantically pressing both UP and DOWN buttons because he couldn't wait 2 seconds for the elevator to travel 2 floors.
The elevator door started opening and he was practically on top of the door before they even opened. Lucky for him, there was no one getting off because if someone on the other side was just as willing to get off, they would walk right into each other, and that would have just made my day, hahaha. Ohh, yes it would.
So anyway, we got on the empty elevator and we all pressed our designated floors, while he started pressing the 10th floor frantically. More people got on and with each person that got on, he sighed that the elevator is not moving yet, holding his finger on the Door Close button.
Finally, the doors closed and we started moving, but uh-oh, we're going down, not up, hahaha. The guy just started freaking out because he's obviously wasting precious time, and frantically pressing the Door Close button, still sighing like a mad-man.
In the mean time, I'm in the corner smiling, nearly laughing, because the reason why we went down in the first place, and not up, is because of his frantic pressing of the DOWN button when calling the elevator, hahaha. But I kept it to myself because I wouldn't want to be a smartass - that would be so unlike me, ahem.
Now, to top it all off, once we finally started moving up, we suddenly stopped on the 2nd floor, with no one to even get on the elevator. I was holding back laughter at this point as I could just imagine the guy burning up inside and cursing whoever did this to him.
So we finally made it to the 10th floor, and as he ran off the elevator, I held back my need to applaud the dude, that he might actually make it home in time to sit his ass down on that toilet and not soil his GAP jeans, or at least that's the only reason I could imagine someone hurrying this much for.
Lesson learned? Only press the UP button if you're in a hurry to go up, or otherwise risk looking like a goof and have me write about you on my blog upon my calm return home.
Happy Riding!
March 23, 2006
House: Episode 54
March 21, 2006
live entertainment.

I was, however, lucky to attend a great show last weekend which my friend Radek was a part of, at the Winchester Theatre in Toronto. The show, put on by Green Tea, a collective of Japanese contemporary dancers in Toronto, has received great public reviews and if my opinion matters any, I absolutely loved it (and was not paid to say this, ahem).
Radek worked closely with Dancer Keiko Kitano, Costume Designer Shingo Tokihiro, and Multimedia Artist Rick Thomson to create a piece which explored the delicate topic of gender inequality in Japanese culture. The performance will soon be available to view on Radek's website, so check back often. Big thanks to Ewa, Karol, Daniela and Corinna for attending the show. If only I could dance like that...haha.
I am currently looking forward to seeing my friend Kim in a show which is happening this weekend, March 25th at 8pm, at the Staircase Cafe Theatre in Hamilton. The show, entitled Improv Jam, is put on by a collective of really funny people from Ha-ha-hamilton. They are putting on an evening of improv comedy where the audience gets to participate and we all laugh our asses off....hahahahah, I can hardly wait.
March 14, 2006

Last night I dreamt that small pieces of orange, red and yellow jello were moving around on their own in an attempt to form some sort of an image for me. After much moving around, and once the "puzzle" was done, I found myself infront of a colourfull jello playboy bunny.
March 13, 2006
I la-la-la-la-like you.
For a Monday 'pick-me-up', click here. Turn your speakers up and get ready to smiiiiiiiile.
March 10, 2006
shameless self promotion.
So why wouldn't I use this space, that's available to so many lovely people on the internet, to promote my upcoming performance, right?!?! Well I asked myself this question today and rushed over here to tell you these exciting news - you can watch me on Canadian TV!.
Can you sense the excitement?! hahaha.
I have been singing since the age of "little", and thanks to my wonderful vocal teacher, Elissa (you rule, mamma), I got the opportunity to perform on TLN's Viva Domenica. With the help of my musically talented friend Paul Godfrey, who could play guitar in his sleep and still sound a hundred times better than me, we put on an acoustic performance that will hopefully please many.
Tune in to TLN's Viva Domenica this Sunday, March 12, 2006, at 6pm to watch Paul and I perform A Lover's Plea (Lyrics & Melody by me, Music by Paul Godfrey).
To find out what channel TLN is in your area, click here.
Also, keep checking the On Key Studios' website for an upcoming release of my new song, A Beautiful Life.
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the show!
March 04, 2006
you did WHAT?!?

A big thanks goes out to my brother-in-law for being at the right place at the right time with a camera-phone, and to my sister for sending it to me.