February 28, 2006

ohh, ooops.

Ever been embarrassed?

Chances are you have and you either loved it or hated it. I say that because we either laughed at ourselves (and with others) when it happened, or we really just wished we had never got out of bed that morning because it was that bad. Let me share with you my story.

Did I fall off a bike? No. Did I fall off a chair? No. I fell off a bus.

I was a high school student coming home on the TTC with my bestfriend Agata on an early summer day, wearing my kilt and stockings. As our bus reached the station, we noticed a few friends from our old elementary school, which we haven't seen for about 2 years, sitting on the bus platform. The bus stopped at that same platform, and opened its doors for all the people to get off. I attempted to do the same, but my light jacket string got caught on the seat, so I was forced back down and struggled to release my string.

By the time I released my string, I was the only person left on the bus and I felt the bus driver and Agata (already on the platform) waiting for me to get off the damn bus. I hurriedly grabbed my backpack, m
y flute and I charged for the door.

As I was coming down the steps, I heard someone yell "Hey Agnes!", so I looked up to see who it was, and not paying attention to my steps but to the person calling my name, I missed one step and I flew off the bus with my arms up, and slid on my stomach like a baseball player going for homerun, right under someone's feet. I can't remember how long I was air-bourne for but it was enough to cause severe bruising on my knees and elbows as it scraped against the pavement.

As I laid there on my stomach, face down, backpack over the back of my head and a flute in one hand, I looked up to see who's feet I was at - it was infact my friend that I hadn't seen in 2 years, laughing his ass off saying: "all I said was 'hey!'". I looked to Agata and she was laughing so hard she couldn't even sound the words "are you OK?" Hahahaha, good times.

I am inviting all of you to post your embarrassing stories - not your most embarrassing stories (because I'm sure you don't want to re-live that again, hahaha), but your funniest embarrassing stories, whether you said something inappropriate, did something stupid, despite whether you were drunk or sober. Share your funny stories by posting in the comments section. Thanks!

Oh, and I just remembered another one: this one time, at band camp... err, sorry... nevermind that one, hahaha.

Happy sharing!

February 27, 2006

blunt & rock'n'roll.

James Blunt offers 5 tips he picked up in the U.S. Army on how to survive in the business of rock'n'roll. Courtesy of Paste Magazine.

1. Don’t get nervous:

“People always ask if I get nervous performing, but I don’t find it nerve-wracking at all,” Blunt says. “It’s just singing. No one’s in danger if I forget the words, so what’s to worry about?”

2. Always act like you’re in charge:

“When I was in the army, I used to stand up on a platform and convince soldiers I knew what the hell was going on,” he says. “Now, I do that onstage.”

3. Keep your space clean:

“For years, I traveled around in a tank with all of my life possessions; now that tank is called a tour bus,” Blunt says with a laugh. “But in either one you have to keep things neat, so I have daily morning inspections. If any band member fails, they give me 50 push-ups.”

4. Think clearly at all times:

“People think the army is very regimented, but you actually have a lot of freedom as to how you get a mission done, so you have to be self-motivated,” he says. “In that sense, it’s not that different from being a musician. You have to always keep pushing yourself to reach your goals.”

5. Learn how to escape:

“I used to work in reconnaissance, so I got very good at hiding in bushes,” Blunt says. “That can be very useful when dealing with overzealous fans. The Army also teaches you discretion, which comes in handy on the road.”

So I heard Jason Mraz is sharing a tour bus with James Blunt right now. Do you think James makes Jason do 50 push-ups if Jason doesn't keep his bikini briefs in his underwear drawers?

Play nice now, boys.

February 25, 2006

szczerbaty zajaczek.

We made cookies last night, and made poor bunny miss some of his teeth.
Cookie anyone?

February 23, 2006

why i stopped going to ryerson.

My friend Radek, who according to his site is a media technologist, artist and visual designer, who holds a Bachelor of Arts (with honours BTW) from Ryerson University, and has worked in numerous areas of the media industry for almost 10 years, decided to draw me a little picture today of a rocket in space. Here's why I think Ryerson ripped him off:
The following is an actual MSN conversation.
Some images may be disturbing.
Parental discretion strongly advised.

radek says:

agooska says:
wow, your arts degree really paid off!

radek says:
I know eh?!

agooska says:
I'm gonna show it to my mom, hahaha hold on

agooska says:
uhhh, no comment hahahhaha

agooska says:
I think that means she loves it hahaha

radek says:
uhgmm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

agooska says:
what are the blue dots?

radek says:
they're stars

agooska says:
the stars and the sun? my gosh, what on earth are you drinking?

radek says:
what do you want, child?! And the sun is where if not in SPACE, huh!?!

radek says:
pshss, she think she’s an astronaut!

agooska says:
Yah but if you have stars, you should have the moon too, riiiiight? At least that’s how my mom always taught me.

radek says:
yah but the sun and the moon are BOTH in space!!

radek says:
my god, child = go back to SCHOOL!

agooska says:
well then why do you have one and not the other, huh?

agooska says:
revise it please! ...sheesh, no wonder my mom had no comment ... she was thinking: “what an idiot - the stars and the sun.”

radek writes:
agooska says:
ok, so now where did your stars go?

radek says:
to hell!!

agooska says:
hahahaha, to hell with your arts degree!! You got ripped off, go get your money back!

And that, my friends, is why I stopped going to Ryerson.


I was eating lunch today with a few friends from work in the boardroom, and Janice, who read this post this morning, said to me: Isn't that Radek's sun and moon? Referring to the following piece of art.

I wonder if the artist of this piece had a Bachelor of FINE Arts from Ryerson University.

February 21, 2006

happy happy!

Last year today, for Ewa's birthday, I decided to surprise her and call her at the office. A woman answered the phone: "Hello?", so I started singing "sto lat, sto lat, niech zyje, zyje nam..." (equivalent to happy birthday). What I didn't know was that Ewa took that day off, and I had infact sang the polish birthday song to her boss!
So this year I thought I'd post her birthday on my blog to save me that embarrasment again.
We are also celebrating Karol's birthday which is this Friday, February 24th, though I haven't done anything embarrasing on his birthday yet. Unless you'd consider a "blowjob" drink exploding in my face, on their birthday 3 years ago, as embarrasing...otherwise, I've got a lot of work to do this year ;)
Happy Birthday You Two!

February 20, 2006

i'm so proud of you, jason.

Here's why Jason Mraz started wearing underwear again:

"I started wearing underwear again as well. After six years going commando, I decided it was time to try something new. I basically came across a brand and style that appealed to me enough to try it. The idea of commando is based on one’s discomfort due to excess material beneath the pant. Such as boxer shorts, they get bunched and aggravate me.

Then there’s Tightee Whitees that seem to serve a purpose but are so dull and also tend to get bunchy above the butt at the belt line. Plus, they’ve gotten a bad rep over the years and make you a prime candidate for a wedgie at all times. I only knew of those two kinds and I wasn’t having either.

But then I grew concerned for the well being of my reproductive organs as well my seat. Could I go the rest of my life with nothing but denim against my bares? Is that safe? Is that comfortable? Is there a product that could keep my package warm and snuggly and provide a slipcover between my cheeks and Levis? Hell yes there is. And unfortunately they get the worst rep of all in the locker room. But since I stay out of locker rooms altogether, I figured there’s no harm done. And "I don’t care what you think about me" is supposed to be my mantra, right? Then I don’t care what y’all think about bikini briefs. I’m quite comfortable now thank you. "

Oh no, Jason, thank you.

February 19, 2006

everybody loves jasiu.

I love my sister's two cats, Jas i Malgosia, but only Jasiu likes to have his picture taken (maybe because Malgosia is a black cat and you don't see anything, hahaha).

Here are Jasiu's best shots. purrrr.


Ok, so my sister sent me a few more pics and I thought I'd share with you all just how much Jasiu loves himself.

And as you can tell, Jasiu also loves me and chats with me on MSN. I know, I know, Jasiu, I miss you too.

February 18, 2006

nice legs... sir?!?

In order for me to not get shot on the subways and buses, by looking intently at someone for an hour giving them the impression that "I got a problem, yo", I often focus my attention on people's shoes, pants, and purses, with the occasional upward glance at their faces...unless, of course, their asses are nicer, in which case I won't actually make it all the way up top to their faces, I'll just settle for their asses down low. Or I read, which I know sounds simpler and solves all of my life's problems, but I'm complicated, so what can you do?

Yesterday morning was no different and I focused mainly on one pair of s
hoes that were really nice, paired with a pair of tight bell-bottom jeans, which looked really nice as well. It just so happens that I am currently looking to buy a new pair of jeans, so these really caught my eye. They had that nice colour, fade and shape to them, and it made the person look like they had really nice legs (whoohoo), so I thought "hmmmm, I wonder where she got them from?" (because any woman would love for her legs to look great in jeans, whoohoo), but I didn't think of asking her where she got them - she was standing too far.

But out of pure curiosity, once the crowd loosened up a little bit, I decided to try to put a face to the legs... well, what a surprise.... it was a 50 to 60-year-old man, very much tanned (obvious case of fake'n'bake), with an earring in his right ear, trying to be really cool and hip by fitting into his daughter's jeans. I wanted to laugh, but then for sure I'd get shot.
A plea to all my friend's fathers and grandfathers:
Please don't wear tight bell-bollom jeans anymore. You're just much too old to be wearing anything that revealing and people like me might mistake you for an attractive young lady with great legs. There are other ways for you to show off that you're nearly senior and working out everyday - good for you, but at the least save me that embarrassment, if for no other reason.

Then again, maybe he was on his way to audition to be Britney Spear's backup dancer? In which case I wish him luck on his endeavors.

February 17, 2006

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it.

Whoohooo, today I got my Songwriters Association of Canada package in the mail, and I even have my own card and everything, hahah, this is so cool!!
So now I can go right up to someone, pull out my songwriter badge at them and say "STOP! I am a songwriter. That's right... do not attempt to move.. this is a very dangerous situation" Yes, that should scare them alright, hahah.
And that was only the start to my day... I had a great day at work, then I went shopping and if you can imagine this, everything I wanted to find, I found!!! Even the shoes I've been searching for for 3 months, and they were on sale!!!!!
Anyway, happy friday everyone, and have a great weekend :)

February 16, 2006

oh, the weather outside is frightful.

Snow? Rain? Freezing Rain? I'm not quite sure, but it's creating a mess for some reason. Or at least my mom makes me believe so because she woke me up at 6 this morning to leave early for work, when I start at 9 today - sigh, overkill.
Current Conditions:
Temp. -2'C, Feels like -7'C. Overcast, light snow.
Doesn't sound that bad, right? But the weather today calls for a bit of both, rain and snow, and depending on the temperatures, we might either be looking at really wet roads if the temperature rises, or black ice if it decreases.
Looking at the pictures, it really doesn't look that bad - I mean, we've seen much worse, but once I get out, I'm sure I'll be eating my own words because CP24 claims some schools even closed down - my gosh, REALLY?!??! Can I stay home too?
Anyway, if the news reporters are saying it's that bad, please drive and walk carefully today and adjust to road conditions.
For Road Conditions updates, check here, and for Toronto Weather updates, check here.
Happy Thursday.
1 more day 'till the weekend, whoohoo. Who else is excited?

February 15, 2006

mmmm, latté.

There is this one little amazing no-name coffee shop by my work, which is also connected to a sushi restaurant, that makes the best café latté ever.
Since these lattés are pretty fattening I can only treat myself every once in a while, but when I do, I am stress-free for the rest of the day. But it's not just the latté that makes my day, it's the whole experience.
I either bundle up or put on some sunglasses (depending on the weather), put on some peaceful music, and slowly stroll my way over, without a care in the world - it's just me, my feet and my music.
I am always greeted with a smile when I get there, whether it's one of the two ladies or the one gentleman, they always have a smile on their face and it spreads like magic. While I wait for my latté, sometimes the server and I will make small chat about the weather, or I will stand by the window, consumed by the peacefulness while people read their morning paper, or favourite book, enjoying the jazz playing in the background and looking out the window.
I was once lucky to be there at a time when an older lady, around 70 years old, was sitting by herself drinking tea and admiring everyone. She then started talking to everyone in the shop about how she used to live at that exact corner 50 years ago, and told us about all the things that have changed and how much. It was an incredible story to hear, and you can only imagine what she felt like being where she grew up, 50 years later.
Often times, by the time I get back, whatever consumed me before I left, no longer matters, and my mind is so peaceful and happy that nothing can disrupt it.
mmmm, latté.

February 14, 2006


It's Valentine's Day, a day to celebrate the ones we love. Well it just so happens that I happen to have a great bunch of friends that I love very much. So to all my friends and family, a great big bear hug and a big kiss - muah. Happy Valentine's Day!

lots of love, me.

February 13, 2006

Fuji Stories; the beginning.

Boys and girls, I'd like you to meet Fuji - the cutest little pup, newly owned by my friend from work, Janice.

It didn't take long before Janice and Fuji got close and personal. Fuji sleeps between Janice's pillow and the headboard, sometimes even overtaking her space (good going Fuji), but what made them partners in crime, is their nightly ritual. Janice often wakes up in the middle of the night to use the loo, but before she goes, she picks up the already awaken Fuji, puts him on the newspaper by the bed, and they both pee at the same time (for anyone wondering, Janice actually uses the bathroom, not the newspaper with Fuji - they're not that close).

But Fuji and Janice share more than just a bed and nightly rituals - they share a taste in clothes. Janice bought Fuji a cute little sweater for those cold winter nights (they live near Barrie, they actually have a winter). Fuji loves his new sweater very much, and is very eager to put it on and model it for the camera (see photo attached). Janice sits him up like a baby on her lap and puts his sweater on one paw at a time, while he sits there patiently, allowing her to zip him up.

I welcome Fuji and Janice to my "little things" family and I hope to keep you updated on their blooming relationship.
Come back often for updates in my new series, 'Fuji Stories'.

February 12, 2006

go on, stick your tongue out.

According to a co-worker who was a little girl in the 1950s, Thursdays were considered "Queer Days", where gays and lesbians were celebrated. One of the things she remembers about Queer Days is that if someone would stick their tongue out at another person, that normally meant that they wanted to be kissed. She claims never to look at a tongue the same way again, and if you're a little girl, can you imagine the amount of little boys sticking their tongues out at you, and the damage it can do?

In fact, I know a little boy who often sticks his tongue out...

February 11, 2006


Margerita Restaurant at 150 Dundas St. West (Dundas & Bay) has become one of my favourite places to go for a quiet evening filled with wonderful atmosphere, great people and great food.

Whether you're hanging with a few friends, going on a date, meeting a business partner, or a family member, this is the place to go. The decor is elegant and comfortable as you have a choice of booths, regular tables, bar, or patio in the summer.
The service is excellent. Our waiter even joined our conversation and seemed like an old friend just yapping away about music (the fact that we've been there so many times and he remembers us might have something to do with it, hahaha).
The food is delicious and I fast most of the day if I know I'm going to eat there in the evening, as their Calzones are huge, but mighty tasting and definitely worth the fast, hahaha. If you're into smaller portions, they will be more than happy to cut the Calzone in half before they bring it out so you can share it with someone. And on the other hand, if you're sharing a delicious strawberry cheesecake between three people, they will cut the cake a little bigger than the single-sliver size. I would love to comment on the other items on the menu, but I'm in love with their Calzones, so you're going to have to try the other things out for yourself - and I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. Please come back and post your comments on your impressions of the restaurant.
The background music varies, depending of the time of day you go. I was told that if you go for lunch on a weekday, you will hear a jazzy sound to invite the business colleagues. But if you go on a weekend or Friday night, it's all pretty laid back and you can either hear Top 40, or compilations selected by the people that work there. But at the same time, the music is not too loud so you can still carry on with your conversation without yelling over each other.
And the big bonus for this month (February 2006) is that they are offering 15% Off All Month! If that's not great marketing, then I don't know what is.
For more information, visit their website.

February 08, 2006

my magnolia buds.

Monday morning I came into my office and I noticed these sitting on my desk. Aren't they pretty?

I love Magnolia Buds.

February 05, 2006

agatki imieniny.

Everyone... may I have your attention please....

Today we have a reason to celebrate as it is Agata's name-day! :)

In Poland, namesdays ('imieniny' in Polish) have been widely celebrated in lieu of birthdays, and most calendars contain the names celebrated each day. Namesday celebrations in Poland traditionally involve a gathering of friends and family, followed by drinking and socializing. The celebration usually involves the singing of the song 'Sto lat' (meaning literally 'a hundred years,' or 'may you live to be 100').
The name 'Agata':
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Good
Gender: Female
So Agatko, we will do some socializing and drinking tonight in your name, and I will even sing for you.

February 04, 2006


Last night I went out with a few friends for Karaoke Night at Upfront Bar & Grill, and it was quite a hit (no pun intended).

Getting there:

It was interesting from the start as Radek and I are now quite skilled at always getting lost everywhere we go. This time? Exiting a garage parking lot.

We took the "Emergency Exit" which has the "No re-entry" sign. We not only noticed the sign, but we actually discussed it and said "ohh it just means you can't come back in - it takes you straight outside... we're cool". Except the outside ended up being a long, dark and narrow alleyway which seemed endless on both sides and a really high fence on the other side. We eventually decided to get back to the door and start banging on the door for help until someone let us out. A plea to all my friends: when driving around looking for a parking spot, please check to make sure no one is stuck in the emergency exits - you might save someone.
Oh, and Radek, something just dawned on me. You know how we were making a comment about how hard it was to find a proper exit, and what would happen if there was an emergency? Ughm, I think they would use the emergency exits we tried using. Exactly how drunk were we? (kidding kids, I don't drink & drive)

Walking to the bar was an adventure as well, as we were given the right address to the wrong bar, so we took a nice stroll up and down Front Street. Just so you know, it was warmer going east than west.

The singing:

Rick sang, and even danced a little. He is the Karaoke King!

...When Doves Cry by Prince
...Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen

I sang (no dancing for me, no one had money):

...You and I Both by Jason Mraz

...Hunter by Dido

We sang:

...You're The One That I Want from Grease

...L-O-V-E by Natalie Cole

Kris actually sang too, but I don't have a picture of him singing (or of Ada for that matter, who also sang). But him and Hien cheered on well (ok, ok, they laughed at us):

...Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel

And even Radek helped out. He is the Tambourine King:

Getting back:

On our way back, it took us about 10 minutes to find my car (Agata, I was reminded of your birthday, haha), and then we had trouble getting out because you can't pay at the gate where you're exiting... oh no, that would make too much sense.

...but who's counting?